Project: American Beauty Cake

Alice’s selection for this week’s challenge is: American Beauty Cake. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!

6 Comments to “Project: American Beauty Cake”

  1. Eek! My cake didn’t deflate again so there’s no room in the pan for the mousse! Trying to figure out a way to get it both beautiful and on the cake at the same time….

  2. Made an American *Ugly* Cake but MY GOODNESS is this DELICIOUS!! The mousse on top is like a lighter more decadant ice cream and the flourless chocolate cake is just to die for. Despite the trouble it gave me, I can’t recommend this cake enough!

    • I forgot to mention in the post above–if you’re in the mood for something REALLY crazy, my friend and I baked a second one but instead of milk chocolate, used about a half a jar of Jif natural peanut butter. I canNOT emphasis enough how amazingly deliciously rich this variation is! I can’t post about it on my blog because the PB cake is for her boyfriend’s birthday on Wednesday, but I just had to share it here!

  3. I’ll be putting my post up soon, but in the meantime I wanted to respond to Emily’s problem of not enough room in the pan. I have made a similar cake before and it called for using a 9″ springform pan – so that is what I did with this recipe. I was able to fit every delicious bit into the pan with about 1/4″ at the top to spare. Also, it made it easier to remove for glazing.

  4. I was running around like crazy on Monday and I thought I had made a comment. I had the same problem as Emily about my cake not being a beauty. It was very good. If I ever make this again, I will definitely use Emily’s recommendation about using peanut butter. I will admit I included lots of photos of my helper.

  5. Okay, I finally have my post up. I ended up using my 9″ springform pan so I had plenty of room for the mousse and it did turn out quite beautiful if I do say so myself! Emily, your version of the peanut butter sounds fabulous. I also want to try making them in smaller heart molds as Rebecca suggests.

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