Archive for March, 2012

March 26, 2012

Project: Jubilation Granola Chews

Amanda’s  selection for this week’s challenge is: Jubilation Granola Chews. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!
March 19, 2012

Project: Frangelico-Hazelnut Fruit Tart

Alice’s selection for this week’s challenge is: Frangelico-Hazelnut Fruit Tart. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!
March 12, 2012

Project: Tropical Carrot Cake

Emily’s choice for this week’s challenge is: Tropical Carrot Cake. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!
And welcome to new member Emily of She Makes and Bakes.
March 6, 2012

Project: Wildcard Week!

This week will be a wildcard week!  Take the holiday weekend off or take this opportunity to make a recipe that you’ve missed along the way. Please remember to link back to the original hostess for the recipe when you post on Sunday.