Project: Kolache

Emily’s (She Makes and Bakes) choice for this week’s challenge is: Kolache. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!

4 Comments to “Project: Kolache”

  1. Oh no–I’m out of town this weekend but I will DEFINITELY be making these next week! So many filling options to choose from!….

  2. These are great, and I know they’ll be even better when I actually use all the ingredients next time.

  3. I made the kolache with the pineapple filling since I had it on hand. It came out really good. I will be trying the other fillings at another time.

  4. Aaaaand two weeks late… nectarine kolache and bell pepper-sausage kolache!

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