Project: Tropical Carrot Cake

Emily’s choice for this week’s challenge is: Tropical Carrot Cake. If you have any questions, tips, advice, etc., leave it in the comments here.

And come back on Sunday and leave the link to your blog post to show us your take on the dish!
And welcome to new member Emily of She Makes and Bakes.

9 Comments to “Project: Tropical Carrot Cake”

  1. I baked this a few days ago, since I’ll be out of town this coming weekend, and want to warn you that it took me a LOT longer to bake this in the oven than the recipe called for. I know it’s not a problem with my oven– every other recipe I try bakes according to suggested times, but for some reason any time I try to bake carrot cake, no matter the recipe, this same issue happens to me. Don’t take the cake out until it stops (or almost stops) jiggling in the center and don’t worry about over baking it, as I don’t think drying out is an issue what with all the juicy pineapple and oil in it.

    That said, this cake is absolutely delicious. I can’t get enough of the macadamia nuts in it. I can’t wait to share it with you.

    And a big welcome to our THIRD Emily of the group!

  2. Definitely agree with Emily – I’ve made it a few times (it’s my 2nd fave carrot cake recipe) and it takes longer than written. Baking it into cupcakes takes ~35 minutes in my oven. My post will be live Sunday, link here:

  3. I made cupcakes too. I love cupcakes since I can share. My family really liked this recipe. I didn’t change anything to the original recipe except cooking time.

  4. Thanks for the warm welcome! I made the whole cake and adjusted it for high altitude. Mine took about 5 minutes less to bake, but I have to bake at a higher temperature. I wasn’t a fan of the frosting, but I think it’s a great cake recipe. Very moist and good flavor. I like the addition of the nuts but I would use way less coconut next time since I’m not a coconut lover. Fun cake to make though.

  5. And here’s my post! I loved it. The only changes I made were to double the cinnamon and nutmeg, since The BF and I love spicy cakes. I posted the full recipe but only made a half as the half recipe was more than enough for us to eat. Definitely needed a full batch of the frosting to cover the cake, though!

  6. I haven’t posted mine yet but curious to know if anyone had any issues with the frosting being too thin. I probably added an extra cup of powdered sugar and put it in the fridge for an hour before I could frost with it. It was still a bit runny and didn’t make a very pretty cake. Maybe the cream cheese was too soft?

    • It is a very thin and runny frosting–definitely not your typical frosting. I wasn’t a fan of the frosting recipe.

    • Hmm…I wouldn’t say mine was runny, but it was certainly very soft. Like I said, I did a double batch, so frosting the cake very thick probably helped it to stay on the cake.

  7. Here she is. I LOVED the cake but will do something different with the frosting.

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